Christian Helmenstein

Austria's Industry and Economy under Pressure: Economic Experts Discuss Solutions

The situation in Austrian industry has deteriorated continuously since mid-2021. The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) is now issuing an urgent warning about the consequences of this development. “Industry is in a bleak situation,” explained IV chief economist Christian Helmenstein. There is no sign of a recovery shortly, which is seriously jeopardizing the competitiveness of the location and the prosperity of the country.

February 2, 2025

“Austria Becomes More Vulnerable to Recessions“

Christoph Neumayer, secretary general of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), argues that the low investments may cause a recession.

January 29, 2013

Austrian Industry: Downward Trend Continues

According to IV (Federation of Austrian Industries), the industrial production is stagnating. A trend reversal is not foreseeable. Pessismism is growing and unemployment will grow substantially.

October 22, 2012

„ÖIAG Should Finance Start-Ups“

The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) suggests using ÖIAG´s investment income for the purpose of financing start-up enterprises.

June 19, 2012

Austrian Real Estate Market is “Sold Out”

The boom of Austrian property prices does not end. Prices for one-family houses were up by 6.4% on average.

March 20, 2012

Austrian Economy: Slowdown, But No Recession

The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) says that Austria will not face a recession in 2012. Nevertheless, the economic slowdown is significant.

January 26, 2012

Manufacturing Industry on the Rise

The economic barometer of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) grows. Production increase and stable employment are expected.

February 4, 2011

Is the Austrian Industry still competitive?

The chief economist of the Industriellenvereinigung (IV), Christian Helmenstein, draws a sobering picture on the future of the domestic industry.

November 26, 2010
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