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Brigitte Jank

Vienna´s Position as CEE-Hub Is Endangered

The number of multinational companies which withdraw their sub-headquarters from Vienna is growing, experts say.
February 20, 2013

Vienna: General Attractiveness Decreases

The quality of the Viennese business location deteriorates. The high degree of bureaucracy and the high non-wage labor costs are the most problematic issues.
November 16, 2012

„Competitors are Still Far Away“

Vienna is under pressure. The Austrian capital has to compete with Warsaw, Budapest and Prague as headquarters location for the CESEE region.
July 23, 2012

Growing Pressure on Viennese Location for Headquarters

The Viennese Chamber of Commerce intensifies the dialogue with international headquarters. In autumn, the first headquarter congress will take place in Vienna.
July 21, 2012

2,000 New Jobs Created by Foreign Enterprises

The Austrian Chamber of Commerce stressed the importance of foreign direct investment in Vienna. Last year, 126 foreign enterprises came to Vienna.
March 22, 2012

Trainees in Vienna „Not Satisfied“

A study of the Viennese chamber of labor published, that a large number of trainees is not satisfied with their apprenticeships.
October 8, 2011

Jank: Vienna Leads in Company Start-Ups

Almost 8,000 enterprises founded in 2010, a quarter of all Austrian start-ups, comes from Vienna.
February 10, 2011

Viennese Economic Chamber Demands Tax Relief for SMEs

The President of the Viennese Economic Chamber, Brigitte Jank, presents a three-stage relief model for small and medium-sized enterprises.
January 20, 2011

Economic Chamber in Tokyo: Biotechnology as an Opportunity

The President of the Vienna Economic Chamber, Brigitte Jank, sees above all great opportunities for Austria in Japanese biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
December 6, 2010