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Berlin Process

Berlin Process Summit in Tirana: Western Balkans on the Way to the EU

Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg attended the Berlin Process Summit in Tirana on behalf of Chancellor Karl Nehammer. The necessary reforms and progress in the EU enlargement of the six Western Balkan states were discussed. Foreign Minister Schallenberg again advocated his model of gradual integration.
October 18, 2023

Future of the Western Balkans in the EU: Rapprochement Despite Tensions
In recent years, the Western Balkans have increasingly become the focus of EU accession talks. The Berlin Process, a 2014 initiative of the German government, created a format that promotes regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and supports the countries' rapprochement with the EU.
October 10, 2023

Western Balkans Summit in Berlin: "Need Unity in Tackling Illegal Migration"
Austria has been trying to curb illegal migration and smuggling of migrants for a long time. At this year's so-called "Berlin Process", the situation in the Wet Balkans was discussed, especially with regard to the issue of migration, where Austria's Interior Minister Gerhard Karner was also present.
October 21, 2022

German and Austrian Interior Ministers Discuss Migration Issues
The German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and her Austrian counterpart Gerhard Karner recently discussed the current migration issue on the sidelines of the EU Council of Interior Ministers. Karner insisted on a joint approach. Furthermore, the two discussed the preparations for the upcoming "Berlin Process".
October 17, 2022

Austria's Demand for EU Accession of Western Balkans Finds EU Support

At a virtual conference with Foreign Ministers of Western Balkan countries and numerous EU Foreign Ministers, the latter ones vehemently supported the EU accession process of Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. Read more below.
June 9, 2021

Poznan Summit: Bringing Western Balkans Closer to EU Remains Priority

Chancellor Bierlein at the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Poland. The sixth Western Balkans Conference as part of the Berlin Process, which brings together heads of government from several EU states and their counterparts from the Western Balkans, dealt with connectivity at all levels.
July 9, 2019