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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Putin's Propaganda TV-Channel Tries to Expand to Austria

An attempt to supply an Austrian target group with German-language propaganda from Berlin will apparently fall victim to the media war between the two state broadcasters Russia Today (RT) in Berlin and Deutsche Welle (DW) in Moscow.

Ukraine Crisis: Potential Impact of Russian Invasion on Ukrainian, Russian and EU Economies
The solution of the Russian aggression and violation of rights towards Ukraine, is of central importance for the world we want to live in. The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) conducted a study on the potential economic impacts of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Read their prediction for how an invasion would affect the economies of the EU, Russia, and Ukraine.

Cold War Founded Research Institute Near Vienna Continues to Address Global Challenges of the 21st Century

The year 2022 marks 50 years since Laxenburg-based research institute IIASA was founded to promote East-West scientific cooperation during the Cold War. Today, the institute continues to address the global challenges of the 21st century through its research. The 50th anniversary provides an opportunity to both take stock of the institute’s achievements and to look forward.

Economics Minister Schramböck Calls EU Chips Act "An opportunity for Europe"

The European Commission has unveiled its draft for the European Chips Act. Read about the Chips Act and why Economics Minister Schramböck called it "an opportunity for Europe."

EXPO 2020 Dubai: Extraordinary Austria Pavilion Wins Multiple Awards