Vienna to Host Austria's Honorary Consular Conference 2024

PeopleOther ♦ Published: April 14, 2024; 23:06 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian capital Vienna was the center for the Honorary Consular Conference 2024, attended by around 200 honorary consuls from all over the world. The meeting, which takes place from April 10 to 12, is the first of its kind since 2015 and serves as a platform for the exchange and further development of consular practice.

Around 200 Austrian honorary consuls took part in the conference in Vienna. / Picture: © BMEIA Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres / Auer-Grumbach / Flickr Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0 DEED)

In his opening speech, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg emphasized the importance of the honorary consuls as an "indispensable addition" to the Austrian network of representations. "Without their voluntary commitment, the work of the Foreign Ministry in many places around the world would not be possible in this form and above all in this quality," said Schallenberg. He emphasized…