Van der Bellen Welcomes New Ambassadors

PeopleDiplomats ♦ Published: September 30, 2020; 17:56 ♦ (Vindobona)

Federal President Van der Bellen welcomes new ambassadors from eight different nations to Austria. The new ambassadors have already begun with their work.

Federal President Van der Bellen receives credentials from the new ambassador of the Principality of Monaco, Frédéric Labarrere. / Picture: © / Peter Lechner / HBF

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen received the following new ambassador today in the Office of the President and received their credentials:

HE Frédéric Labarrere, Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco

HE Ketevan Tsikhelashvili, Ambassador of Georgia

HE Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Ambassador of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

HE Abat Fayzullaev, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan

HE Mohamed El-Molla, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt

HE Gilles Pécout, Ambassador of the French Republic

HE Aftab Ahmad Khokher, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

HE Andrei Dapkiunas, Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus

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