UNIDO and Japan Cooperation for Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in Africa
The Eighth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD8), which will be held on 27 and 28 August, 2022, in Tunis, is approaching. A series of TICAD8 official side events will be held online from 23 to 26 August by the Vienna-based United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
During this "UNIDO TICAD8 Week", UNIDO will hold five official side-events that will focus on various important topics for Africa's development, including COVID-19 and Building Back Better in Africa, as well as promoting investment and technology transfer, combating plastic litter, fostering innovation and partnerships for decarbonization, and enhancing Africa's agricultural potential.
TICAD, co-hosted by the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the African Union Commission (AUC), was launched by the government of Japan in 1993. It is based on the principle of African “ownership” and international “partnership” that it has become a major global platform for Africa’s development.”.
According to the Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna, UNIDO is a long-standing and important partner of the TICAD process since its foundation in 1993. Several technical cooperation projects have been implemented in Africa, to meet the TICAD commitments.
Over the last three years, UNIDO and Japan have implemented projects worth more than 35 million dollars in cooperation with African countries. The TICAD process has been strengthened by UNIDO's expertise and experience, as well as its function as a liaison platform between the private sector and partner countries.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching socioeconomic consequences globally, disproportionately affecting the trade and economies of developing countries and undoing decades of progress in the implementation of sustainable development in Africa. This year's TICAD focuses on the impact of the Covid pandemic and the Government of Japan wishes to continue to strongly support Africa-led development through the TICAD process.
The purpose of UNIDO's TICAD8 Week is to allow for the exchange of views on industrialization from different perspectives, which is highly relevant to Africa, as well as how UNIDO-Japan cooperation can contribute to Africa's industrialization after COVID-19.
Date & Time(Vienna, CEST) | Event Title (Click on Link for more Information and Registration!) |
Tue. 23 August / 11:00-12:30 | Launch of the Industrial Development Report 2022 in Africa |
Wed. 24 August / 10:00-11:30 | How to Succeed in Attracting Investment and Technology from Japan - Best Practices from the UNIDO Advisor and Delegate programmes in Africa |
Wed. 24 August / 10:00-11:15 | Session 1: Partnering for Africa's challenge on plastic pollution |
Thu. 25 August / 11:20-12:30 | Session 2: Promoting climate innovation and partnership for a transition towards a deep decarbonization of society |
Fri. 26 August / 10:00-12:00 | Building Resilient and Sustainable Agro-industries: Enhancing Africa's Agricultural Potential |
Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna