Trade Chain Adeg to Achieve Turnaround in 2012

CompaniesRetail & Consumer ♦ Published: October 5, 2011; 18:11 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian subsidiary chain of the German Rewe group still faces losses. By 2012, Adeg should leave the red zone.

Trade Chain Adeg to Achieve Turnaround in 2012 / Picture: ©

The German Rewe group, which is the biggest player in the domestic market of food stores and chemists, is convinced to reach the turnaround for Adeg. Rewe Austria group runs important and well-known chains such as Billa, Bipa, Penny, Merkur and Adeg. Penny, a chain of discount stores, achieved the turnaround recently.

Now, with Adeg, the last problem area should be eliminated.…