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Telekom Austria: Pecik Denies Sales Talks
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Published: March 19, 2012; 19:12 ♦ (Vindobona)
The Austrian investor Ronny Pecik is said to have had sales talks with China Mobile. Pecik reaffirms to remain at Telekom Austria as “long-term investor”.
Telekom Austria: Pecik Denies Sales Talks / Picture: © Telekom Austria Group
Rumors on Pecik do not end. At the moment, the Austrian investor holds a shareholding between 20% and 25% in Telekom Austria. Pecik is said to re-sell the recently acquired stakes.
Insiders reported that Pecik tried to gain China Mobile as buyer. However, the Chinese rejected Pecik´s claims. The valuation of Telekom Austria should have been too high. Pecik denies: “There has…
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