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Pecik Aims to Become Telekom´s Biggest Shareholder
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Published: March 17, 2012; 14:02 ♦ (Vindobona)
The second-largest shareholder of Telekom Austria, the investor Ronny Pecik, wants to enlarge his stake further in order to initiate a restructuring.
Pecik Aims to Become Telekom´s Biggest Shareholder / Picture: © Telekom Austria Group 2013-Pecik_CV_English
At the moment, the Austrian state holding ÖIAG has a 28.4% shareholding of Telekom Austria. Pecik, whose stake is between 20% and 25%, wants substantial amendments at Telekom Austria. His shareholding should become the biggest one. According to market observers, up to 30% are possible. Last year, Pecik continuously bought shares in Telekom Austria. His investments totaled € 1.0bn up…
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