Summer season 2012: Holidaying in Austria Continues to be Very Popular

CompaniesRetail & Consumer ♦ Published: December 6, 2012; 14:47 ♦ (Vindobona)

Over 19 million guests in the 2012 summer season did not only lead to a new record, but also to 65.6 million overnights.

Summer season 2012: Holidaying in Austria Continues to be Very Popular / Picture: © Tourism Austria

Not even the challenging international backdrop could sour Austria’s summer tourism figures. According to Statistics Austria, there were 19.44 million arrivals between May and October 2012, a significant rise in guests spending their summer holidays in Austria (up 3.6% on the previous year). This is a record-breaking figure, primarily generated by foreign visitors (+4.3% to 12.55…