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Strabag building musical road in Hungary
Press Wire ♦
Published: June 26, 2017; 10:17 ♦ (Vindobona)

The European-based construction group STRABAG has been awarded the contract to build and widen the R 67 expressway in Hungary. The EUR 212 million project is being carried out by a consortium in which STRABAG holds 53.2 %. Of the 33 km of expressway between Kaposfüred and Látrány in southwestern Hungary, STRABAG is in charge of the new construction of a 10.3 km section as well as the renovation and widening of a further 10.1 km.

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Company Information
Budapest - The European-based construction group STRABAG has been awarded the
contract to build and widen the R 67 expressway in Hungary. The EUR 212 million
project is being carried out by a…
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