Spindelegger: Cost Cuts and Privatizations to Save Triple-A

BusinessEconomy ♦ Published: November 11, 2011; 19:13 ♦ (Vindobona)

Annual interest payments would grow by € 3bn if Austria was downgraded by one notch.

Spindelegger: Cost Cuts and Privatizations to Save Triple-A / Picture: © Flickr / The Austrian Foreign Ministry

Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger has now entered the debate about Austria’s triple-A rating and called for further austerity measures. “We have to avoid at all cost being drawn into this maelstrom”, the leader of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) said in an interview with Austrian daily “Kurier”. “If Austria’s rating was downgraded by only one notch from AAA to AA+,…