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Slovenia: Guarantees to Reach € 4.0bn
Politics ♦
Published: September 14, 2012; 18:15 ♦ (Vindobona)
As Slovenian banks suffer massively from non-performing loans, Slovenia´s Minister of Finance Janez Sustersic will provide guarantees for domestic banks of € 4.0bn.
Slovenia: Guarantees to Reach € 4.0bn / Picture: © Vindobona.org
After the Slovenian government has founded an own agency managing non-performing loans of Slovenian banks, the agency needs guarantees. More than € 4.0bn will not be necessary, Sustersic said. This amount would be the upper limit of non-performing loans, he says. Sustersic does not want to estimate the final costs of the restructuring for Slovenian banks. “We will know the final…
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