Significant Rise in Car Registrations

BusinessEconomy ♦ Published: March 10, 2011; 00:00 ♦ (Vindobona)

February 2011: Considerable increases for new passenger cars in Austria: +21.2%; over one-third more diesel-driven vehicles. Registrations rose by 23.5%.

Rise in Car Registrations / Picture: © Volkswagen

According to Statistics Austria, a total of 31 832 new motor vehicles were registered in February 2011, 23.5% more than in February 2010 and 7.3% more than in January 2011. In February 2010, the increase amounted to 11.8%. Registrations of new passenger cars (26 412 units) increased by 21.2% as well; the share of new passenger cars in the total registrations was…