Serbian Telekom: Entry of Telekom Austria?

CompaniesTelecoms ♦ Published: October 19, 2010; 14:18 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Serbian government expects to reach a price of 1.4 billion euro for its 51% share of Telekom. Participation of Telekom Austria is expected.

Serbian Telekom: Entry of Telekom Austria? / Picture: © Telekom Austria Group

The Serbian government is privatizing the so far state-owned Telekom Srjbija. 51% of the company is being offered for sale with the expectation of reaching 1.4 billion euro. Investors have time to submit their offers until November 26. Currently the Serbian state holds 80% of the company; the remaining 20% are owned by the Greek OTE.

The Telecommunications Ministry counts on…