Sanochemia: Decrease in Sales, Decrease in Losses

CompaniesHealth Care ♦ Published: January 3, 2011; 19:01 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Vienna Stock Exchange listed manufacturer of pharmaceutical products could improve its results slighty.

Sanochemia: Decrease in Sales, Decrease in Losses / Picture: © Sanochemia Phasmazeutika AG

The financial year 2009/10, which ended by 30 September, reached sales amounting to € 27.1m. In 2009, Sanochemia recorded sales were € 29.5m. Results could not turn into the black zone. However, losses were reduced substantially.

Operating losses decreased from € 4.64m to € 1.26m. EBITDA improved from€ -0.034m to € 2.66m. Costs cutting targets accounting for € 5m…