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Russia: Battle Between Rosneft And Gasprom Starts
Politics ♦
Published: March 12, 2013; 20:04 ♦ (Vindobona)
The fight between Russia’s two biggest energy providers Rosneft and Gasprom has started. Rosneft tries to snatch away large deposits of raw oil and reports Gasprom to the government.
Russia: Battle Between Rosneft And Gasprom Starts / Picture: © Vindobona.org
Deputy chief of Rosneft, Nikolai Lawerow, sent a letter to the Minister of Natural Ressources, Sergej Donskoi, saying that Gazprom was not planning to exploit the raw materials from the shelf on its own but rather it was in the interest of both their subsidiary Gaspromneft. However, Gaspromneft would not accord with the criteria for exploiting oil and gas on sea.
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