Reflection on the Diplomatic Posture: France's Ambassador Gilles Pécout Comments

PeopleDiplomats ♦ Published: April 23, 2024; 19:18 ♦ (Vindobona)

The French Ambassador to Austria, Gilles Pécout, gave a final interview before leaving Austria on the current geopolitical challenges and the position of France and Austria in the face of increasing tensions with Russia.

"Thank you to the daily newspaper Die Presse for this interview, which was published a few days before the end of my mission in Austria," said the French ambassador Gilles Pécout. / Picture: © / Peter Lechner / HBF and Lukas Hardt-Stremayr

In a current issue, "Die Presse" devotes itself to an in-depth interview with the French ambassador to Austria, Gilles Pécout. (Issue from 12.04.2024) In the sumptuous ambiance of Mattighofen, Pécout provides insights into French foreign policy and comments on Austria's role in the current geopolitical situation, particularly…