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RBI: No Capital Increase
People ♦
Published: March 23, 2012; 11:21 ♦ (Vindobona)

Christian Konrad, general attorney of the Raiffeisen sector, is against a capital increase at RBI (Raiffeisen Bank International). The 9.0% tier-1 quota will be reached without that measure, Konrad is convinced.

According to EBA (European Banking Authority), RBI has a capital shortfall of € 2.1bn. Until the end of June, the gap must be closed.
Christian Konrad, general attorney and supervisory board director at RBI´s holding company, RZB (Raiffeisen Zentralbank) sees no need to hurry. RZB holds about 75% in RBI. The tier-1 capital quota will be reached without that step. “Until…
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