Political Scandal at FPÖ Regulars' Table: Outrage with EU-critical and Derogatory Statements

PeopleOther ♦ Published: January 16, 2025; 10:46 ♦ (Vindobona)

A secretly recorded video from a FPÖ Regulars' Table or "Stammtisch" in Vienna-Simmering has sparked outrage. FPÖ National Council members Harald Stefan and Markus Tschank sharply criticized the ÖVP and the European Union, made derogatory remarks about refugees, and caused consternation with their praise for the Taliban regime.

Kickl's FPÖ and the First Scandals: Secret recordings of the FPÖ Stammtisch in Simmering have sparked a societal debate, questioning the party's stance on EU policy, migration, and human rights. / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / C.Stadler/Bwag / CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)

On January 8, 2025, around 30 people gathered for a political Stammtisch of the FPÖ Simmering in a Viennese tavern. Among the attendees were journalists from the French public broadcaster France Télévisions, who secretly recorded the event. The recordings, later published, document a series of controversial statements. This journalistic revelation was later passed on to the Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard.

Harsh Criticism of the ÖVP

Harald Stefan and Markus Tschank did not hold back in their criticism of the potential coalition partner ÖVP. Stefan described the People’s Party as “pathetic,” while Tschank asserted that the ÖVP “actually deserves a government ban and should be sent to the opposition benches.” He added, “The ÖVP is power-hungry and wants to maintain its positions. Therefore, we can set the bar a bit higher and assert our stronger stance.”

Calls for EU Withdrawal

Particularly explosive were the statements regarding the European Union. Stefan referred to the EU as “insane” and claimed that “we actually ought to leave.” While he dismissed an Öxit as “not a real option,” he criticized “surveillance measures and the restriction of freedom of expression” within the Union, emphasizing the need for a “hard fight.” These remarks starkly contrast with the ÖVP’s stance, which insists that any potential government program must be clearly pro-European.

Derogatory Remarks About Refugees and Praise for the Taliban

The FPÖ MPs’ comments about refugees caused particular outrage. Stefan described Afghan refugees as “the worst scum” and claimed that “normal Afghans” are “decent people,” while those arriving in Europe are “unwanted.” He also praised the Taliban regime, suggesting offering them money to take back refugees. Such statements drew sharp criticism from human rights organizations and political opponents. The Austrian asylum coordination body denounced the remarks as evidence of “deeply authoritarian and anti-democratic ideology” within the FPÖ.

Reactions from the ÖVP and Other Parties

The ÖVP expressed being “dismayed” by the comments. “A potential government program must be clearly pro-European. There will be no Öxit with us,” a party spokesperson declared. FPÖ General Secretary Christian Hafenecker attempted to downplay the remarks, suggesting that similar comments could occur in other parties. Meanwhile, the Greens, SPÖ, and NEOS issued strong criticism. Green media spokesperson Sigrid Maurer accused the FPÖ of systematically undermining press freedom. SPÖ Secretary Klaus Seltenheim described the behavior as “dripping with hate and aggression” and “systemic.”

Impact on Coalition Negotiations and Press Freedom

The revelations cast a shadow over ongoing coalition negotiations between the FPÖ and ÖVP. Both parties face pressure to clarify their positions and regain public trust. Political analysts view these events as a test of the stability of a potential government.

The circumstances surrounding the recordings also sparked debate. While the FPÖ described the remarks as “exaggerated” and out of context, the Press Council emphasized that undercover reporting is legitimate when information is of public interest. “The FPÖ politicians’ statements are a clear attack on press freedom and democratic discourse,” said journalist unions.

Austrian Press Council




Green Party

NEOS Party