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Nowotny Pushes Spain to Call for Help
Politics ♦
Published: June 9, 2012; 13:34 ♦ (Vindobona)
The governor of Austria´s Central Bank Ewald Nowotny appeals on the Spanish government to call for help and fears that the situation could become even worse for Spain otherwise.
Nowotny Pushes Spain to Call for Help / Picture: © Vindobona.org
„The longer Spain waits, the more expensive it could become.“ Nowotny stated. At the moment, Spain analyzes the situation together with the IMF. Nowotny did not talk about concrete numbers. Today, it became official that Spanish banks would need at least € 40bn. In total, Spain´s capital requirment is expected to come at € 100bn. Nowotny considers that only a few countries have…
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