Multiple Integration Projects Will Be Promoted in Austria
67 integrational projects will be promoted through a common European fund in Austria until 2024. 28 Million Euros of this fund will go to Austria for integrational purposes.

The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF for short) is the EU's European funding instrument for integration projects up to the year 2027. It has recently been decided which projects will be funded in Austria for the years 2023 and 2024: 67 integration projects from all federal states with a total of 27.83 million euros.
The projects are intended in particular to meet current challenges in the area of integration. Due to the currently very high proportion of persons entitled to asylum and subsidiary protection with literacy needs, one focus is on promoting German. Another focus is the support of labor market integration projects. Specifically, projects in language and education acquisition, job preparation, or subject-specific German courses are funded here.
Integration Minister Susanne Raab: "7 out of 10 people who received asylum in Austria this year need literacy. It therefore only makes sense that special projects to promote German are supported. In parallel to learning German, however, it is also essential that people integrated into the labor market as much as possible and not just remain in German courses for years. That is why the focus was placed on labor market integration when selecting the integration projects. Even if people have little knowledge of German, they can go to work because what they have learned can then also be found on the labor market and can be applied so that integration can take place more quickly." Furthermore, projects against segregated tendencies of parallel societies, projects in the area of voluntary work and the empowerment of women were selected.