Japanese Embassy Celebrates the Anniversary of the City Twinning Between Tokyo and Vienna
During a recent ceremony, the 25th anniversary of the twinning between the 22nd district of Vienna (Donaustadt) and the Tokyo district of Arakawa was celebrated.

Recently, the Japanese Embassy in Vienna celebrated the 25th anniversary of the twinning between the 22nd district of Vienna (Donaustadt) and the Tokyo district of Arakawa.
The two districts, which have been cooperating since 1996, maintain a close partnership that is constantly intensified through visits by political delegations, an annual youth exchange and various cultural events related to Japan.
In his introduction, the Japanese Ambassador Akira Mizutani explained that the relationship between the 22nd district, where for example the Japanese International School in Vienna is located, and the Japanese community in Vienna is very close.
He proudly pointed out the further deepening of the exchange between the two districts, which the Embassy wanted to support as much as possible, for example in facilitating youth exchanges.
During the festive meeting, a video message from Mayor Nishikawa of Arakawa was broadcast and gifts were exchanged.
Furthermore, former District Head Leopold Wedel was presented with the award of the Japanese Foreign Minister during the event. Mr. Wedel, retired District Head, created the basis for the twinning between Danube City and Arakawa, named the Arakawa Street in the 22nd district during his term of office, and actively promoted friendly relations between the two districts, e.g. through youth exchanges between the districts, even after the end of his term of office.