Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog Visited Austria

PeoplePoliticians ♦ Published: September 5, 2023; 20:59 ♦ (Vindobona)

During an official visit to Vienna, Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog praised Austria's determined fight against anti-Semitism. Herzog stressed that the Austrian government's "uncompromising fight against anti-Semitism" should serve as an "example" for other countries. He expressed his appreciation for this stance, which is highly appreciated in Israel. During a joint press conference with Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, Herzog also stressed the importance of remembering the Holocaust, addressing the deep scars of that terrible time.

Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog together with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen laid a wreath at the Holocaust Memorial in Vienna. / Picture: © / Peter Lechner and Daniel Trippolt / HBF

Federal President Van der Bellen confirmed Austria's central task of keeping the memory of the Shoah alive. He stressed that the persecution and expulsion of tens of thousands of Jewish Austrians must never be forgotten.