Hypo-Group: Bavarian Lawsuit Against Carinthia

Politics ♦ Published: October 18, 2010; 13:57 ♦ (Vindobona)

The balance sheet of the Hypo Group -nationalized in 2009- was artificially inflated, according to the accusation from Bavaria.

Hypo-Group: Bavarian Lawsuit Against Carinthia / Picture: © Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International AG

The Bavarian Ministry of Finance has already retained the services of a Viennese firm of solicitors for the preparation of a lawsuit against the province of Carinthia, said the Finance Minister and chairman of the supervisory Board of the BayernLB (Bayern-Landesbank), George Fahrenschon (CSU).

In particular, the total assets are said to have been inflated artificially in…