Fekter: “I Will Fight to Preserve Banking Secrecy in Austria!”

Politics ♦ Published: April 8, 2013; 19:33 ♦ (Vindobona)

“Data protection is a valuable institution. We will continue to protect innocent citizens, but will also continue to lead the way in pursuing tax evaders.”

Fekter: “I Will Fight to Preserve Banking Secrecy in Austria!” / Picture: © ÖVP Bundespartei / Jacob Glaser

In connection with the discussions on the question of banking secrecy in Austria that have now come up once again, Austrian Finance Minister Maria Fekter noted: “I will continue to fight to preserve banking secrecy in Austria, because I don’t want the Austrian state to be turned into some kind of “big brother” nor do I want to see meaningless mountains of data accumulated. As…