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Bank Secret: Semeta Criticizes Austria´s Position
Politics ♦
Published: October 1, 2012; 18:31 ♦ (Vindobona)
According to the EU Commissioner Algirdas Semeta, Austria´s bank secret is “out-dated”. He criticizes that Austria and Luxembourg still reject to give up the bank secret.
Bank Secret: Semeta Criticizes Austria´s Position / Picture: © Wikipedia / Valsts kanceleja/State Chancellery
The EU wants Austria and Luxemburg as last EU-members to give up its bank secret for years. The Commissioner again expresses his criticism on Austria and Luxembourg. Semeta underlines that the EU losses “billions of tax revenues” every year. Moreover, Semeta thinks that the Austrian bank secret would be „out-dated“ and it should be amended as soon as possible.
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