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Facilitated Stock Exchange Access for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises at the VSE
Companies ♦
Published: October 19, 2018; 15:16 ♦ (Vindobona)

As a result of an amendment to the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz), as of 21 January 2019 it will again be possible for small and medium-sized enterprises and growth companies registered in Austria in the legal form of a stock corporation (AG) with small free float to gain access to the Vienna Stock Exchange via the newly created market segments "direct market plus" and "direct market".

The Vienna Stock Exchange welcomes the political decision to reopen the Third Market for Austrian small and medium-sized companies.
An amendment to the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) will open the door to the stock exchange for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises as well as growth companies next year.
The Vienna Stock Exchange is planning the…
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