EVN-Subsidiary Records Substantial Rise in Profits

EnergyOil & Gas ♦ Published: April 27, 2011; 07:04 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Rohöl-Aufsuchungs AG (RAG) shows a 23.1% increase in sales. Profits were up by 60%.

EVN-Subsidiary Records Substantial Rise in Profits / Picture: © Vindobona.org

The RAG, a 50.025%-subsidiary of the Lower Austrian energy company EVN, reported a surprising improvement in its results. Sales increased by 23.1% from € 275.7m to € 339.3m. In 2009, by contrast, sales slumped by almost 25%. Thus, this rise has to be seen as a recovery.

EBIT grew by from € 66.9m up to € 105m, operating profits rose from € 66.2m to € 103.8m. Profits…