European Cooperation with Austria's Educational Institutions
During an Erasmus+ networking meeting, the new European digital hub "European School Education Platform" was presented at a gala event. Furthermore, the European Innovative Teaching Awards (EITA) were awarded to three Austrian schools.

During the Erasmus+ networking meeting in Vienna, the new "European School Education Platform" was presented to 125 Austrian teachers, representatives of the education directorates of all federal states and representatives of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
The European School Education Platform is the meeting place for all stakeholders in school education - school staff, researchers, policymakers and other experts - at all levels, from early childhood care, education and upbringing to primary and secondary school, including vocational education and training.
The platform is also the home of eTwinning, the Community for Schools in Europe. It offers everyone (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.) working in a school in a European country a platform to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, exchange ideas and be part of one of the most exciting learning communities in Europe. eTwinning is co-funded by Erasmus +, the European Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.
The European digital platform combines eTwinning - The Community for Schools in Europe with the School Education Gateway. The aim is to provide all stakeholders from the fields of elementary education, school education and vocational training, and kindergartens such as teachers, school staff, researchers, or policymakers with a common European point of contact for information, exchange, collaboration and professional development.
European Innovative Teaching Awards
In addition, the EUROPEAN INNOVATIVE TEACHING AWARDS (EITA) were awarded to three Austrian schools. The EITA is awarded in all Erasmus+ countries and is a recognition for completed Erasmus+ projects in which excellent teaching practices have been used. This is the second time the European Commission has honored the excellent work of teachers in its schools with this award.
The schools awarded in Austria have been divided into three age categories of learners. Winners of the awards include the "Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe - Türnitz" for the project "Water-Woda-Water", the "Bundesrealgymnasium Wels Wallererstraße" for the project "Educating Innovative and Creative European Citizens" and the "Volksschule am Tabor" for the project "Keep Your Footprint Low and Make the Earth Grow".
Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalization (OeAD) Managing Director Jakob Calice congratulates the award winners: "This European Award recognizes the special work of teachers and their innovative and special teaching practice. The award also highlights the significant impetus that is possible through European teacher collaboration via Erasmus+." For Calice, every "stay abroad, every international collaboration, every look beyond one's nose" is cultural experience and self-development and lays the foundation for a "common educational space." The OeAD is the national agency for the implementation of Erasmus+ in Austria.