EU Strengthens Multilateral Diplomacy in Vienna Amid Global Challenges

PeopleDiplomats ♦ Published: February 22, 2024; 23:07 ♦ (Vindobona)

In a move to bolster multilateral diplomacy and cooperation, the Ambassadors to the Political and Security Committee (PSC) of the Council of the European Union embarked on a significant visit to Vienna. This visit underscores the European Union's aspirations to strengthen its role in the global multilateral and security order, particularly at a time when the world is grappling with multiple crises.

The European Union's Political and Security Committee Ambassadors, comprising 27 EU Member State Ambassadors, visited Vienna to understand multilateral diplomacy and the "Vienna Spirit." / Picture: ©

The delegation, comprising Ambassadors from the 27 EU Member States, traditionally convenes in Brussels but chose Vienna for this pivotal meeting to engage directly with key international organizations, including the United Nations (UN) and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The focus was on understanding the current state of multilateral diplomacy in the…