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Economic Mission to Cambodia and Laos
The Vienna Chamber of Commerce visited the Southeast Asian countries Cambodia and Laos in the context of an economic mission with 15 participants to meet ministers and establish contacts for future participation in tenders for infrastructure projects.
Business Delegate Günther Sucher, Vienna Chamber of Commerce President Walter Ruck, Helmut Dietrich, Managing Director of AHD GmbH working for Vamed, and Vienna's Head of Tourism Markus Grießler in Vientane / Picture: © WKW/DIESTL
Laos and Cambodia are among the least economically developed countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
However, both countries have made rapid progress in recent years with annual growth rates of more than seven percent.
"The two countries will also benefit economically in the near future from the increasing integration of the ASEAN economic area…
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