ECO Business-Immobilien AG Announces Q1-Q3 2010 Results

Professional ServicesReal Estate ♦ Published: November 23, 2010; 15:53 ♦ (Vindobona)

Vienna-based ECO Business-Immobilien AG records a fivefold increase in Group EBIT to € 25.0 m for the first three quarters of 2010.

ECO Business-Immobilien AG Announces Q1-Q3 2010 Results / Picture: © Eco Business Immobilien AG

ECO Business-Immobilien AG (Vienna Stock Exchange / Prime Market: ECO) continued its stable positive development during the first three quarters of 2010. Earnings improved significantly over the comparable prior year period, which was influenced by impairment charges. Profit after tax rose to € 9.1m (1-9/2009: € -8.2m) and Group EBIT increased 380% to € 25.0m.…