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EBRD: Eastern Europe “Stuck in Transition“
Politics ♦
Published: November 21, 2013; 18:08 ♦ (Vindobona)
The European Bank for Restructuring and Development (EBRD) warned that Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Sovjet Union could remain “stuck in transition”, which is the titel of the current report.
EBRD: Eastern Europe “Stuck in Transition“ / Picture: © Vindobona.org
The annual Transition Report of EBRD paints a gloomy picture of the Eastern European region. Because of the economic crisis not only growth declined but also structural reforms came to a standstill that could lead to a vicious circle of recession and a stop to further reforms. “Economic reform has stagnated in the transition region since the mid-2000s, even in countries that are still…
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