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Criticism of the Treatment of Refugees - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Sends Team to Vienna
Next week, experts from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights will visit Vienna to gather an impression of the human rights situation. The new High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, had criticised Austria for not prioritising the return of migrants from Europe without ensuring that key international human rights obligations are met as a protective measure.

![Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights<small>© Wikimedia Commons / Gobierno de Chile [CC BY 3.0 cl]</small>](https://www.vindobona.org/images/gallery/60982/gallery_news60982_image1-big.jpg)
Austria's government countered already in September with the remark that all important human rights conventions had been ratified and therefore enjoyed a high international reputation.
It was also recalled that Austria had repeatedly shown responsibility in the past and taken in people in need.
In August, the United Nations nominated Ms. Michelle Bachelet to become…
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