Austria Supports the Establishment of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam
In the Netherlands, a new Holocaust museum is currently being constructed, which will become a milestone in European remembrance. The Austrian Federal Chancellery is providing 400,000 euros to support the construction of this memorial. Austria sees this support as a sign of its understanding of the Netherlands' special historical responsibilities.

A new National Holocaust Museum is currently being built in the Netherlands, which is to serve as a milestone in the culture of remembrance in Europe. To support this memorial, the Austrian Federal Chancellery is funding the project with 400,000 euros. Austria sees this support as a sign of its awareness of the special historical responsibility it has towards the Netherlands.
The National Holocaust Museum is located in Amsterdam and is the first and only museum that deals with the entire history of the persecution of Jews in the Netherlands. Through permanent and temporary exhibitions, events and educational programmes, visitors are confronted with history and inspired to contribute to an inclusive society.
A special detail is the two buildings that contain the museum. On the one hand, part of it is located in the Hollandsche Schouwburg, where tens of thousands of Jews were once imprisoned before their deportation. Secondly, the museum is in the Hervormde Kweekschool, a school where more than 600 children were saved during the Second World War because they were housed in this building.
The museum is scheduled for completion in mid-2023 and aims to draw attention to the persecution of Jews in the Netherlands through exhibitions but also regular lectures, symposia and commemorative events.
"The terrible atrocities of National Socialism are a memorial and a warning for future generations. We have a special responsibility because of our history, and we will also live up to it in the context of increased international cooperation. It is also a social task to further develop a modern culture of remembrance. It is important for the Republic of Austria to support this unique initiative with a total of 400,000 euros as part of the National Strategy against Anti-Semitism," said Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer.
Die Gräueltaten des NS-Terrors sind uns eine ewige Mahnung. Es ist unsere Verantwortung, eine zeitgemäße Gedenkkultur weiterzuentwickeln. Im Rahmen d. Nationalen Strategie gegen Antisemitismus unterstützen wir daher die Errichtung d. Holocaust Museums in Amsterdam m. 400.000 €.
— Karl Nehammer (@karlnehammer) June 28, 2022
"The establishment of the National Holocaust Museum is a milestone in the culture of remembrance in Europe. During the Second World War, Austrian Nazi officials in particular were also responsible for the deportation of Dutch Jews in the Netherlands. Austria's support is therefore also a sign of this special historical responsibility in the Netherlands. Anti-Semitism is a global phenomenon that requires close international cooperation. Networking with international actors, but also the numerous educational programmes of the museum are quite essential for the promotion of Jewish life and an efficient fight against anti-Semitism," emphasised Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler.