"Austria Endangers Germany's Successes with its Irresponsible Policy of Opening Up". Closed Borders Soon?

More+More+ ♦ Published: February 9, 2021; 22:40 ♦ (Vindobona)

The opening policy and the pandemic in Austria, and especially in Tyrol makes Bavarian politicians nervous. The increased risk of infection from the British and South African mutation of the coronavirus has reignited the border security debate in the German state of Bavaria. Bavaria is therefore tightening its tone toward Austria, reinforcing border controls and threatening to close the border altogether.

"If the danger increases, border closures to Tyrol must not be a taboo either," said the Bavarian Prime Minister. / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Mike Knell from Zürich, Switzerland / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)

Austria has, as reported, reintroduced facilitation after a six-week lockdown.

Stores are allowed to reopen, and schools are returning to regular operation, in some cases in shifts and with corona testing.

Austria has opted for the facilitations, although the 7-day incidence is still above 100, and the figures are thus slightly worse than those in Germany.
