Austria Discusses Sustainable Development: 3rd SDG Dialogue Forum Austria
The 3rd SDG Dialogue Forum Austria has now taken place in the Sofiensälen in Vienna. The meeting was organized by the Austrian Federal Administration, SDG Watch Austria, and the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens. The agenda focused on the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations by 2030.

A central topic was the 2nd Voluntary National Implementation Report, which will be submitted to the United Nations in 2024. This report will not only reflect the current status of SDG implementation in Austria but will also include a data chapter to make progress transparent and comparable.
Joint discussions for sustainable action
Before the dialogue forum, special discussion sessions and a youth forum were held to discuss topics such as "Skills for 2030," "Protecting the Biosphere," and "Resilience in Food Security." The results of these discussions formed the basis for debates by high-level government representatives.
Minister for Europe Karoline Edtstadler stressed that the 2030 Agenda is a key guide to a fairer and better future. Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler underlined the importance of recognizing the climate crisis as a common task, while Labor and Economic Affairs Minister Martin Kocher pointed out the crucial role of the SDGs for Austria's competitiveness. Health and Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch spoke in favor of measures to counter poverty and health challenges in times of crisis.
Voices from civil society
The NGO network SDG Watch Austria emphasized that the SDG Dialogue Forum was intended to build a bridge between politics and the population. A common denominator of the discussions was the need for socially and ecologically just policies. Thomas Alge of SDG Watch Austria stressed that solutions must be approached in a cross-sectoral and fact-based manner. Lukas Wank appealed to the Austrian government to create legal requirements for sustainable supply chains that respect global standards for human rights and environmental protection.
The 3rd SDG Dialogue Forum highlighted Austria's efforts to actively engage stakeholders and the population in the sustainable development process. It is undeniable that Austria has made progress in many areas. However as emphasized by many, there is still much to be done, and work must continue on an ongoing basis to ensure a sustainable future for all.