Austria Become Second Most Important Trading Partner for Hungary

Politics ♦ Published: February 23, 2013; 19:52 ♦ (Vindobona)

Last year, only the foreign trade volume between Hungary and Germany was higher. Peter Szijjarto, spokesman of Prime Minister Viktor Orban´s party Fidesz says.

Austria Become Second Most Important Trading Partner for Hungary / Picture: © Hungarian and Austrian crossed flags by Vindobona

In an interview with the Austrian business daily “Wirtschaftsblatt”, Austria has overtaken Russia as second-most important trading partner. Since 1990, Austria´s FDI has totaled more than € 8bn, Szijjarto says. Last year, foreign direct investments came at € 927m. Regarding the FDI volume, Austria ranks fourth.

Szijjarto does not believe that Austrian banks want to leave…