Agrana: Successful Completion of Campaigns

IndustrialsBasic Resources ♦ Published: January 21, 2011; 00:20 ♦ (Vindobona)

Agrana completed the sugar beet campaign at the sugar processing plant in Tulln|Lower Austria and, therefore, the 2010|2011 processing season at all of its facilities.

Agrana: Successful Completion of Campaigns / Picture: © AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG

The 2010|2011 sugar beet campaigns of the company have been successfully concluded at the seven sugar beet processing plants in Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and, on 17 and 19 January respectively, at the sugar processing plants in Tulln and Leopoldsdorf, both in Lower Austria. The average duration of the campaigns amounted to 114 days.

In total, around…