Vehicle Tax in Austria - NoVA Normverbrauchsabgabe

Driving a Car in Austria: How to Import a Vehicle for Personal Use

What is required to register your car in Austria that you have purchased abroad? What do you need to look out for when buying a car? What costs do you have to bear? You can find all tips for importing your own vehicles (Eigenimport) to Austria here.

August 4, 2019 · Updated: April 1, 2021; 13:13

What You Always Wanted To Know About Viennese Diplomatic Number Plates

How to find out for which country or international institution a vehicle with an Austrian diplomatic license plate is registered, starting with the initials WD (Wien Diplomat) and a certain number. For example, "WD-1" is the Diplomatic Code for Vatican City.

October 23, 2019

Relocation to Austria: How to Import Tax and Duty Free a Vehicle for Personal Use

It may be convenient to take your car with you when you relocate to Austria. The same applies to cars that may cost less abroad than in Austria. However, there are additional costs in addition to the purchase price (Eigenimport). The NoVA (Normverbrauchsabgabe) is due at the first registration in Austria for new and used cars. The NoVA varies according to age and model. However, you can avoid this under certain conditions.

August 7, 2019

Driving a Car in Austria: What Users of a Vehicle with a Foreign Number Plate Need to Know

Persons whose main residence is in Austria and who drive a vehicle with a foreign registration plate must obtain an Austrian registration plate after one month at the latest. If the license plate is used for a longer period of time, administrative and financial criminal proceedings will be initiated.

August 2, 2019
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