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Stefan Doboczky
Austria Becomes Self-sufficient in the Supply of Mouth and Nose Masks
Hygiene Austria LP GmbH, founded only 4 weeks ago by a cooperation of Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG with the aim of producing and selling protective masks for the domestic and European market, was made known to a wider public today by the visit of Federal Chancellor Kurz and Minister of Labour Christine Aschbacher, and two weeks ago by the visit of Federal Minister Margarete Schramböck.
May 19, 2020
Former Finance Minister Schelling to Be Appointed to OMV Supervisory Board
Former ÖVP finance minister Hans Jörg Schelling is to move into the supervisory board of the partly state-owned OMV. Various media report that this is being done at the request of senior government officials.
April 25, 2019
Stefan Doboczky succeeds Peter Untersperger as CEO of Lenzing AG
The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG appointed Stefan Doboczky (47) effective June 1st 2015 as the new Chairman of the Management Board (CEO) of Lenzing AG.
March 20, 2015