Petra Schneebauer

Austria Joins Artemis Accords: A Milestone for International Space Cooperation

Austria has become the 50th country to sign the Artemis Accords, thus taking an important step towards international cooperation in space research. Ambassador Petra Schneebauer signed the agreement in the presence of NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Jennifer R. Littlejohn, Acting Assistant Secretary of State at the US Department of State.

December 12, 2024

Austria's Diplomats Meet Up: Ambassadors' Conference 2024 in Vienna

More than 100 Austrian ambassadors, permanent representatives, and consuls general from all over the world have gathered in Vienna for the Foreign Ministry's annual Ambassadors' Conference. The event, which lasts until September 5, offers diplomats a platform to discuss challenges in foreign policy. The focus is particularly on topics such as security, economic and cultural diplomacy as well as strengthening international dialog.

September 4, 2024

Austria and USA Launch New Exchange Program for Young Professionals and Students

In a new step to deepen transatlantic relations, Austria and the United States have launched a new Working Holiday Program (WHP) that offers young people from both nations the opportunity to experience each other's culture, everyday life, and the working world.

February 21, 2024
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