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Paul Krugman
EU as „Serbia´s Most Important Market“
The U.S. economist Paul Krugman thinks that Serbia´s future is the European Union. The EU is worried about the turn towards Russia.
October 4, 2012
Croatia´s Fight Against the Recession: More Austerity and Increase in Exports
According to Paul Krugman, the development of Croatia´s economy depends on the performance of the export-oriented industry.
September 14, 2012
Is Austria a Risk Country?
Due to its engagement in Eastern Europe, Austria is partially considered as a potential risk country. Lack of understanding for this assessment is shown by Austria.
December 10, 2010
Leitl Vehemently Defends Euro Protection Shield
The President of the WKÖ (Austrian Federal Economic Chamber), Christoph Leitl, gives a clear answer to the euro critics: without the euro, Austria would have become a problematic case in 2009.
December 6, 2010