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Metals and Mining Industry

Voestalpine Acquires Specialty Steel Firms in Shanghai and Barcelona

Voestalpine steel buys two specialty steel firms. With the purchase of Advanced Tooling Tek (ATT) in Shanghai, China, and the Sermetal Group in Barcelona, Spain, Voestalpine is enhancing its position as a producer of special steels. Both companies are specialized in the processing and sale of special steel products for tool and mold-making, a segment whose main customers are the automotive and electronics industries. Together ATT and the Sermetal Group have around 160 employees and generated a total revenue of around EUR 43 million in 2015.
April 7, 2016

Voestalpine Increased Revenue by 4.1% in First Half 2015/16

In the first half of the business year 2015/16 (April 1 to September 30), the steel group Voestalpine continued its performance despite an economic environment that – viewed globally – is inconsistent. In a year-to-year comparison, it increased its revenue by 4.1% from EUR 5.6 billion to EUR 5.8 billion.
November 11, 2015

Voestalpine Boosts Earnings in the Business Year 2014/15

Listed steel group Voestalpine increased its revenue slightly to EUR 11.2 billion (+1.0%) despite negative price effects. At EUR 1.53 billion, the operating result (EBITDA) was markedly higher than in the previous year (+11.4%). Investments worth EUR 1.18 billion are at record level (+25.8%). The outlook for the business year 2015/16 is positiv. The aim is to continue the improvement of operating results.
June 3, 2015

Voestalpine Reports Increase in Earnings in 9 Months

Although the development of the global economy was very inconsistent in 2014 and, after a relatively optimistic start, was marked by an increasingly sober mood from the summer months onward, the steel-based technology and capital goods group Voestalpine reported a significant increase in earnings in the first three quarters of the business year 2014/15 (April 1 to December 31, 2014).
February 10, 2015