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Martin Gruell

RBI: Rothensteiner Opposed Payout Block

The head of the Raiffeisen Centrobank and Chairman of RBI’s (Raiffeisen Bank International) supvervisory board Walter Rothensteiner is critical of a capital increase by a payout block.
October 31, 2013

RBI Considers Participation in Hypo Group’s Bad Bank

In a radio interview with “Ö1”, Karl Sevelda, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), announced that he regards a particpation of his bank as possible.
October 18, 2013

Austria: RBI Expects Stabilization

Business in CEE seems to be in an up again. RBI is preparing for an IPO at the Warsaw stock exchange.
October 17, 2013

RBI Issues EUR 500 Million of Supplementary Capital

Strengthening of capital structure provided by this measure.
October 10, 2013

Austria: Domestic Banks Reject Taking Over Hypo Group

The task force, appointed for Hypo Alpe Adria Group by the government, held a meeting again today. It is only two more weeks until the suggestions have to be presented to Brussels. Domestic banks reject participating in a bad bank.
May 13, 2013