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Johann Marihart

Agrana: Dividend Proposal of € 4.50 Per Share for the 2017|18 Financial Year

The Management Board of Agrana has decided to propose a dividend payout in the amount of EUR 4.50 per share for the 2017|18 financial year (dividend for 2016|17: EUR 4.00 per share) to the 31st Annual General Meeting to be held on 6 July 2018.
April 24, 2018

Agrana to Open New Wheat Starch Plant

Agrana opens wheat starch plant at site in Pischelsdorf | Lower Austria
June 12, 2013

Marihart President of CEFS

CEO Johann Marihart elected President of the European Association of Sugar Producers (CEFS) for a further three years.
June 12, 2013

Austria: Agrana Looking for New Market Shares in CEE and CESEE

CEO explains why Croatia and Serbia might be interesting settings
February 25, 2013 · Updated: February 25, 2013; 18:53

Record Results at Agrana

The Austrian sugar and starch company could raise revenues and earnings significantly. The dividend increases to € 3.60 per share. A moderate increase in revenue is expected.
May 15, 2012

Agrana Aims for Expansion into Balkan Region

The Austrian sugar and starch company Agrana is looking for acquisition targets in the Western Balkans.
April 23, 2012

Agrana Achieves Significant Rise in Earnings

The Austrian fruit and starch company posts its results for first three quarters of 2011|12. Revenues were up from € 1.62bn to € 1.95bn.
January 12, 2012

Marihart Becomes President of Primary Food Industry

Johann Marihart, CEO of the Austrian sugar and starch group Agrana, takes charge of PFP, the association of the primary food processing industry in 2012.
December 14, 2011

More Dividends For Agrana´s Shareholders

The Austrian fruit and starch company Agrana announces a dividend increase for the business year 2011/12.
October 22, 2011