
EU Is Planning the Withdrawal From the Energy Charter Treaty

The European Union wants to exit from the Energy Charter Treaty since the contract is not compatible with the energy transition. Austria is examining its exit from the treaty since November.

February 9, 2023

Fracking Is Causing Tensions in the Austrian Parliament

Fracking has caused tensions in the Austrian parliament. Climate protection Minister Leonore Gewessler from the Green Party tried to pass a law banning Fracking in Austria. However, the party’s coalition partner in the government, the Austrian People's Party (OEVP) declined the law.

January 18, 2023 · Sponsored Content

„Austria Does Not Need Shale Gas“

Gerhard Roiss, CEO of Austrian OMV, thinks that renouncing on shale gas will be expensive.

October 1, 2012

OMV Gives Up Fracking Plans

The Austrian oil and gas company announced that there will be no shale gas production in Austria.

September 17, 2012

Roiss Claims Energy Strategy

Gerhard Roiss, CEO of the Austrian energy company OMV, warns of a withdrawal of the energy-intensive industry tot he U.S.

July 26, 2012

Austrian Environmental Minister Against Fracking

Nikolaus Berlakovich thinks that shale gas is no alternative. Fracking would be „extremely environmentally harmful“.

July 3, 2012

Austrian E-Control Supports Shale Gas Exploitation

Walter Boltz, CEO of the Austrian energy market regulator, thinks that Europe would benefit from the shale gas exploitation.

June 13, 2012

Roiss Claims European „Fracking“ Strategy

OMV´s CEO Gerhard Roiss calls for a common strategy to exploit shale gas. The European industrial sector should become more competitive.

April 18, 2012

„Natural Gas to Become Most Important Energy Source“

Gerhard Roiss, CEO of the Austrian oil and gas group OMV pushes the EU to recognize the importance of natural gas.

April 7, 2012

OMV Gives In: No Fracking in Austria

The Austrian oil and gas company OMV reacts to the citizen´s protests and gives up its natural gas exploration plans in Northern Austria.

March 5, 2012

Resistance Against „Fracking“ Grows

The oil and gas group OMV plans to exploit shale gas in Northern Austria. Environmental activists claim a prohibition.

February 28, 2012
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