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Foreign Currency Loans

Foreign Currency Loans in Austria Fall to New Low in Q2 2024
The market for foreign currency loans in Austria continues to decline sharply. The Financial Market Authority (FMA) published a new survey for the second quarter of 2024, which shows a further significant decline in the outstanding volume of such loans.
September 11, 2024

Austria has EU-Wide Most Franc Loans

In absolute terms, Austria has the most franc foreign currency loans in the European Union.
January 19, 2015

Austrian Minister of Economics Criticizes Hungary

On the occasion of a bilateral meeting between the Hungarian and the Austrian Minister of Economics Reinhold Mitterlehner repeated his critics regarding Hungarian foreign currency loans.
November 21, 2011

Austrian Households Control Assets worth € 471bn

Despite a declining savings rate, households remain the most important provider of capital to domestic banks.
November 3, 2011

Bank Austria Rethinks Expansion in Hungary

The subsidiary of Italian UniCredit reviews its activities in the country. A withdrawal is not ruled out.
October 12, 2011

RBI: Capital Injection for Hungarian Subsidiary Likely

The Austrian bank’s losses from the conversion of foreign currency loans will amount to approximately € 100m.
October 7, 2011

RBI Defies Hungary’s Banking Tax

The Austrian bank is not planning to pull out of Hungary. Losses from the conversion of foreign currency loans cannot be estimated yet.
September 22, 2011

Massive Increase in Municipalities’ Foreign Currency Debt

The amount of foreign currency debt has doubled since 2009 and surpassed € 2bn in February 2011. Swiss franc denominated loans accounted for almost 100%.
July 25, 2011

Credit Monitor: Further Decline in Foreign Currency Loans

Such is the development of domestic loans to non-banks in July 2010
October 6, 2010

Lending decreased in April

More long-term loans to enterprises, decline in foreign currency loans in private sector.
July 5, 2010